The Truth had to stay hidden.

Here is the list you’ve asked me for! 50 of the best books about the Kennedy assassination. The key to what happened to America, and who was responsible, begins by reading the truth that was hidden from you. These books expose the chicanery of the Deep State’s Official Version with honest witnesses, verified documents and accurate information. Why are vital records still kept secret “for national security reasons” if Oswald acted alone? In 2017, the files that were released were mostly STILL censored, which was illegal and in defiance of the JFK Act and the ARRB Committee’s directives. With many books receiving praise and attention from the media, it’s stunning how the BEST books — with unwanted facts –are buried by search engines online, even though they are best-sellers. “My book — Me & Lee” says Judyth Baker, “has gone through five printings, and is a best-seller, with almost 800 reviews and a 4.7 star rating on Amazon, but if you don’t know the name of my book, you’ll never know it exists.” The books listed here have been reviewed and recommended by thousands of readers on Judyth Vary Baker’s Facebook and Assassination Conference pages over a period of 22 years. . Each one has a convenient link to Amazon. You won’t be disappointed!

INFO: This 2nd edition of Me & Lee is independently published by Silver Bullet Publications to reach new readers. My story ( Judyth Baker’s story – ‘The Love Affair”) was featured on the History Channel before the LBJ family had it banned. It is now on NewsMax, and has been presented in the US, Canada and Europe. Even more witnesses and evidence support this long-awaited 2nd edition, defending Lee Oswald, the man Judyth loved. This is the independently published, uncensored hardcover 690 page update of ME & LEE (4.7 stars with almost 800 reviews) with 16 full-color pages and hundreds of photos and evidence files. Prepare to be shocked as Judyth exposes CIA bioweapons, contaminated vaccines, treason, war, murder, evil and the corrupt leaders who killed JFK and took control of America.
Ready Nov. 10, 2022

To purchase, send $42.00 to PayPal, using, or send a money order for $39.00 to Judyth Baker, 6900 Preston Rd. #1824, Plano, TX 75024 with your address. (2 books are $75.00 using a money order). Funds help Judyth with medical and electric bills!) It is also available on Amazon, by using this link, here:


HERE ARE THE 50 BEST, MOST HONEST BOOKS ABOUT THE KENNEDY ASSASSINATION. CLICK ON THE URL to go to Amazon, where you can read more. Descriptions will continue to be added… Get yours before they’re gone. (I will try to keep the list updated for you.)

  1. JFK: Absolute Proof
Robert Groden was the HCA photo expert who smuggled out the Zapruder film and places the 'x' showing where JFK was killed in Dallas. This big book is not only a coffee table centerpiece--it has the best historic and forensic photographs, with clear explanations of what happened.
INFO: Robert Groden was the HSCA photo expert who smuggled out the Zapruder film. He places the ‘x’ on Elm St, showing where JFK was killed in Dallas. He was ticketed 82 times in Dealey Plaza, and arrested, though it was legal to sell his book there. Despised by the Sixth Floor Museum that complained about Groden, a ‘museum’ that makes millions by claiming the innocent Lee Oswald shot from a 6th floor window, Robert Groden’s shocking book wipes out the lies. This big book is also an attractive coffee table centerpiece. The Kennedy assassination changed America forever. See how Lee Oswald was framed for a murder he did not commit. Hardcover. Hundreds of amazing photos and documents.

To purchase, go to this link at


2. Dr. Mary’s Monkey

INFO: Edward T. Haslam’s investigation into the horrific murder of Dr Mary Sherman led to secret laboratories, cancer-causing monkey viruses, global epidemics and the truth about accused assassin Lee Harvey Oswald. Haslam’s keen logic peels away the lies, showing us why the government is still afraid to reveal the secrets hidden behind Kennedy’s assassination. This best-selling book hit the world by surprise, and will leave you both enlightened and terrified. Haslam independently discovered Judyth Baker, making his book a must-read companion to ME & LEE and its updates. Paperback and hardcover, lavishly illustrated.

To purchase, go to this link at

3. JFK and the Unspeakable—–Hardcover

INFO: James Douglass’ excellent book is the number one best-seller about the Kennedy assassination, never needing all the media hype that the government-backed “Oswald-did-it” books get. With accurate research, the insight of a genius and with skill and focus, James Douglass gives you the facts. “He chose peace. They marked him for death.” Douglass lines up Kennedy’s enemies and demonstrates how they cooperated to kill him, for reasons of hatred, revenge, greed, and a lust for power. Yes, a crime so unspeakable that it is still being covered up today. Douglass supports Judyth Baker’s and Abraham Bolden’s reports that an informant named “Lee” saved JFK’s life 3 weeks before JFK died in Dallas.

To purchase, go to this link at


4. Crossfire (the Basis for Oliver Stone’s epic film “JFK”)

INFO: Jim Marrs was a gifted investigative reporter who was actually in Dallas when JFK was shot. With logic and common sense, he destroyed the Magic Bullet theory, providing evidence for the crossfire for which his book is named. That was just the beginning. When Judyth Baker first spoke out, he quietly interviewed her, discovering that she knew information that had never been published. They became fast friends, and Judyth Baker’s story is outlined, along with dozens of others, in this richly informative, well-illustrated classic. If you can’t afford any other book about the Kennedy assassination, choose this one.

To purchase, go to this link at

5. ME & LEE: How I Came to Know, Love and Lose
Lee Harvey Oswald —-

INFO: I am the author of this book. I kept evidence, collected supporting witnesses, and, after 35 years of silence, spoke out, knowing it would destroy my life, and it did. The History Channel had a 9-year contract to show the story of me and Lee, ‘The Love Affair,’ one of 3 new episodes in “The Men Who Killed Kennedy” series, but the LBJ family had everything closed down after only 5 showings. Sixty Minutes tried 3 times to film me over a period of 14 months, but CBS higher-ups shut it down. This book is changing history. Despite the attempts of “Lone Nut” conspiracy theorists, who publish outright lies about who I am, Me & Lee is an underground best-seller with almost 800 reviews and a 4.7 star rating on Amazon. “You won’t be able to put this book down” say readers. Find out why this book is considered by many to be the most important book about the Kennedy assassination.
Purchase Me & Lee

6. Reclaiming Science ———–

INFO: Here are the statistics: here are the murders; here are the incredible odds proving that being a witness with some knowledge of the Kennedy assassination was not good for your health. For those who say, ‘Why weren’t they all killed?’ If dirt could be piled on them (character assassination), instead, or if threats would shut them up, while records about them were altered or destroyed, then that would attract less attention. The timing, the number (at least 160 untimely, unusual or convenient deaths, such as Dr. Mary Sherman, found murdered the same day the Warren Commission came to New Orleans to hear witnesses, or George de Mohrenschildt’s “suicide” only three hours before the HSCA’s Gaeton Fonzi was going to interview him (George was Lee Oswald’s best friend in Dallas) will stun you. The graphs, the charts, the lists, scream that in the Kennedy assassination, coincidences had to happen by the bushel, even if the witnesses were in the CIA or FBI. See for yourself.

To purchase, go to this link at

7. The Devil’s Chessboard ——–

INFO: David Atlee Phillips, Lee Oswald’s handler, bragged that he urinated on JFK’s grave. Allen Dulles, head of the CIA, who was fired by JFK, destroying his career, was placed on the Warren Commission to make sure the CIA wouldn’t be blamed, and to deny Oswald’s links to them. Talbot pulls no punches, supports everything he tells you, and his information can be trusted. Warning: you’ll want the CIA dismantled after reading this book, just as JFK and Truman wished: too much power, too little oversight, and, as CIA spymaster James Jesus Angleton confessed shortly before his death, they’ll all see each other again– in hell. Get inside the minds and lives of those who hated Kennedy the most and who were skilled at removing and killing heads of state for the CIA and US.

To purchase, go to this link at

8. LBJ: The Mastermind of the JFK Assassination ——-

INFO: Phillip Nelson exposed the perfidy of LBJ in his stunning book, Remember The Liberty! In LBJ: the Mastermind of the JFK Assassination, we learn how the Vice President’s lust for power, his corruption, and his vulnerability to blackmail makes him the number one suspect– at the very least, he knew what was coming. This master of manipulation and deception was a morally bankrupt man who openly displayed his privates (named “Jumbo”) to the reporters and immediately led the country into the Vietnam War, rescinding JFK’s orders to start bringing troops home only a few days after the assassination. LBJ died a broken man. Read the facts about LBJ and see how he got away with it.
To purchase, go to this link at

===more descriptions for books below coming soon! ===

9. Brothers ——Gut-wrenchung masterpiece telling us what America and the world lost when these brothers were assassinated in cold blood.

To purchase, go to this link at

10. Hit List — Largely accurate, honest and intriguing. Should be purchased along with Richard Charnin’s “Reclaiming Science” (above) to
have the complete picture of over 160 murders of witnesses and officials to keep the coverup and the official version of things in place.

To purchase, go to this link at

11. David Ferrie: Mafia Pilot … Key to the JFK Assassination: The first book ever written about David Ferrie (the mysterious main character in the film “JFK,” in “Dr. Mary’s Monkey” and in “Me & Lee”), I knew Dave personally. Who he really was will astonish you.

To purchase, go to this link at

12. Rush to Judgement : the Classic — Important because the backbone of this book was written mere days after the Kennedy assassination. The Guardian published this fine attorney’s first essays, showing rigged evidence, false witnesses, and Oswald’s being denied legal assistance.)

To purchase, go to this link at

13. Survivor’s Guilt —(Authenticated. I know Vince, and he truly is a world expert on JFK’s Secret Service. Palamara’s first book scorches the SS. He interviewed and taped almost every SS agent assigned to JFK early on, and when they later lied, out came the tapes and photos! The title says it all. )

To purchase, go to this link at

14. They Killed Our President —-(You’ll win every debate with this one. Gateway to understanding how important JFK’s assassination was, and how the people were fooled. I met Gov. Ventura several times. He questioned me in both Chicago and in Dallas and we appeared together a few times on TV and at a press conference. )

To purchase, go to this link at

15. The Innocence of Oswald —-(Authenticated. Truthful and honest, easy reading, should be in every library!)

INFO: The book that lines up the false evidence created to blame Lee Oswald for the murders of JFK and Officer J. D. Tippit. The book has important photos in full color and provide a wide variety of examples of hiw Lee Oswald was framed for crimes he did not commit. He shows the correct cause of death for David Ferrie and makes the case that Roscoe White was the real assassin. Includes the speech JFK was never able to deliver. At 281 pages, it has information not found in bigger books.

To purchase, go to this link at

16. Mary’s Mosaic —–(The cover says it all about this best-seller. JFK’s longtime mistress held too many secrets for her own good. An innocent black man was framed to hide the real assassins…)

To purchase, go to this link at

17. The Echo from Dealey Plaza —(Bolden, the first black Secret Service agent to be on JFK’s protection team, The Kennedy Detail, was framed and imprisoned for exposing their prejudice against blacks and their laxity and corruption that guaranteed JFK would not leave Dallas alive. I have met this good man, who was finally pardoned in 2022. He deserves a medal.)

To purchase, go to this link at

18. Burying the Lead —-(How the truth was turned into lies, overnight, beginning with the first moments after the Kennedy assassination. The book will make you angry because the cover-up by the media is still going on today. BE INFORMED through this book.)

To purchase, go to this link at

19. The Girl on the Stairs —–(Best evidence that Lee Oswald never fired a shot. Two girls were on the stairs. The one girl interviewed by the Warren Commission learned years later that they altered her testimony to make sure she could not be used to clear Lee Oswald. Well-documented.)

To purchase, go to this link at

20. The Secret Team –—-(You can trust Prouty for a big part of the big picture from the military standpoint. We had a brief correspondence just before his death. He encouraged me to speak out.)–

To purchase, go to this link at

21. The Man Who Killed Kennedy —(Stone is a witness who was deeply involved with the whole machinery set up to bring LBJ into power and to insert Roger’s hero, Richard
Nixon, into the Presidency next. We can learn a great deal about LBJ and the assassination from the Master of Political Dirty Tricks. I have met and spoken to Roger Stone several times.)

To purchase, go to this link at

22. Blood, Money and Power –—(Authenticated after several personal meetings with this sincere attorney who came too close to the smoking guns, so was attacked viciously by the media.)

To purchase, go to this link at (First Edition)

23. The Deputy Interviews —-(authenticated: learn about honest Dallas Officer Roger Craig and his tragic saga as a witness dangerous to the CIA, the corrupt conduct of the police, and the assassins.)

To purchase, go to this link at

24. Double Cross —-(David Ferrie was close enough to the Mafia to tell me a lot, and this book reflects Mafia culture, omerta, the corruption of the FBI, the death of Marilyn Monroe, JFK and the assassination.)

To purchase, go to this link at

25. Coup in Dallas — (Authenticated. Deep research and new evidence that media doesn’t want you to know, concerning Oswald in Mexico City and who really killed JFK . Had some interactions with this sincere, now-deceased author as he began research on this, his last book.)

To purchase, go to this link at

26. On the Trail of the Assassins —-(More right than wrong. Did what he could under the nose of the dangerous Mob Boss, Carlos Marcello, and dealing with corrupt media and government harassment: his priceless evidence in New Orleans corroborates Haslam’s and mine.)

To purchase, go to this link at

27. Trauma Room One — (Met Dr. Crenshaw, who was treated horribly for telling the truth. Witnesses now back him up. Saw exit hole in back of JFK’s head, refused to back down under pressure to change his story about that or the entrance wound in JFK’s neck. Hero.)

To purchase, go to this link at

28. JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass Hardcover (the book of the 2022 documentary by Oliver Stone & Jim DiEugenio (built upon the successor to the seminal film “JFK”)

To purchase, go to this link at

29. At the Cold Shoulder of History-– (I have met the author and the priceless witness – among several- who still survives, who broke a gag order to tell us that he was at JFK’s autopsy , which was crude and botched, on the President’s body with altered head wounds …I interviewed Dennis David and Hubert Clark (both now dead) who authenticated his story, as did researcher Phil Singer, Secret Service Agents and others.)

To purchase, go to this link at

30. The Search for Lee Harvey Oswald —–(Best Affordable Photo Book
by the great Robert Groden, researcher and witness)

To purchase, go to this link at

31. Into the Nightmare-– (Well-written and well-researched, exonerates Lee Oswald, is accurate and quotable.)

To purchase, go to this link at

32. Bond of Secrecy —(written by the son of the CIA’s super-spy who named JFK’s assassins in “The Big Event”:–I have known Saint John Hunt almost a decade and found him a sincere witness.)

To purchase, go to this link at

33. On the Trail of the JFK Assassins — (Renowned for “The Man Who Knew Too Much”- this is the long-awaited update by an honest researcher.)

To purchase, go to this link at

34. The JFK Assassination Dissected — (By America’s first great pathologist who dared called CE133 ‘THE MAGIC BULLET’ – and he was right.)

To purchase, go to this link at

35. The Reporter Who Knew Too Much –[Dorothy Kilgallen] (A staged accident/suicide that was the murder of the only reporter to get a private interview with Jack Ruby)

To purchase, go to this link at

36. Not in Your Lifetime — (Very good, but Summers changed his mind about the Tippit murder in 2013, discounting new2aqnde old facts that prove Oswald could not have been at the murder scene, lowering the value of his book.)

To purchase, go to this link at

37. A Certain Arrogance — (The strange, the weird, the unexplained… where Mind Control experiments and the homosexual underground used religion and blackmail to hide covert activity and assassinations.)

To purchase, go to this link at

38. Inside the ARRB (5-volume set, try Vol. IV first!) —(genuine and honest ARRB member who I have corresponded with gives us 5 volumes of historic witness testimony and analysis)

To purchase, go to this link at

39. The Last Investigation —(honest HSCA investigator and witness helped expose CIA’s David Atlee Phillips and shows us how this last government investigation failed our country and denied justice to JFK. )

To purchase, go to this link at

40. Deep Politics and the Death of JFK—(most respected scholarly Dean of researchers; highly literate read, invented deep state politics concept)

To purchase, go to this link at

41. LBJ and the Kennedy Killing— (Authenticated: I met with James Tague before his death)

To purchase, go to this link at

42. Trained to Kill —(CIA disavows, but we who knew anti-Castroites knew this man meant business in the 1960’s)

To purchase, go to this link at

43. From an Office Building with a High-Powered Rifle
(Authenticated: I met with FBI agent Don Adams before he tragically died after a fire)

To purchase, go to this link at

44. Impossible- The Case Against Lee Harvey Oswald —-(Logic, reason, common sense and proof show how Lee Oswald was framed.)

To purchase, go to this link at

45. Kennedy and Oswald: the Big Picture (raw manuscript, uncensored, this is my book, with Edward Schwartz – JFK’s enemies are all here.)

To purchase, go to this link at

46. The Hidden History of the JFK Assassination (Waldron is respected.)

To purchase, go to this link at

47.Killing Kennedy

To purchase, go to this link at

48. In the Eye of History —- (I met this author & witness: authenticated)

To purchase, go to this link at

49. Assassination Science — (full of researchers I’ve met)

To purchase, go to this link at


Honorable Mentions:

Lee Harvey Oswald, Lyndon Johnson and the JFK Assassination (A seasoned researcher & mathematician with many published papers)

To purchase, go to this link at

Accessories After the Fact: (Early researcher with earliest records and facts)

To purchase, go to this link at


==write to

Judyth Vary Baker, a witness and author of three of the 50 books on this list, has selected these books as the best currently available about the Kennedy assassination (a few are only on Kindle). Experts, witnesses and concerned truth-seekers understand that we were lied to. Since records continue to be withheld “for national security reasons” nearly sixty years later, and those that are released continue to be censored, clearly the truth is being hidden from us. Many books are out there –often paid for by the CIA– that can make it hard to find the truth. Suggestion: select a book from the top twelve, and at least one other book that appeals to you personally. Click on the link to get your book on Amazon or directly from Judyth. It’s better to own three good books that reveal what really happened than to read a hundred books that push the obsolete “Lone Nut” theory. Remember, “conspiracy theorist” is a term invented by the CIA. We have the right to know the truth, and this is one way to find it.
“The Big Event” changed our country forever. “A whole new government” was formed, as Jack Ruby told us, when he said that persons in high places forced him to kill the so-called assassin, Lee H. Oswald. Oswald was declared the ONLY person involved in Kennedy’s assassination by FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover THE SAME DAY Kennedy was shot. The Warren Commission looked ONLY at Lee Oswald — nobody else–as per their instructions.
Everyone is safer if we learn how we have been manipulated, lied to, and fooled. “Cherish truth”and share your books. For most, only two good, solid, honest books are needed to open the doors and let in the light. And here they are!

The Best JFK Assassination Books

This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to We are compensated for referring traffic and business to Amazon). The good news is connecting this site to Amazon gives me the means to provide this list to YOU, knowing the list will NOT be buried by search engines, since Amazon has power I do not have! – jvb